Download play sim town
Download play sim town

download play sim town

Help! My neighbours can’t see an item in my town, why is that? They can’t see it because they aren’t seeing the most up to date version of your game, you need to connect to the cloud for them to see this version of your game. Once connected go into settings in the game (click on the green button with 3 white dots on it) you will then see these options:Ĭlick on the cloud button and you will see this window appear:Ĭlick upload save data and your game will be savedĬlick here to watch my video on how to save to the cloud

download play sim town download play sim town

Sorry I no longer have an Android so I cannot show you how to connect your game to Google Play Games (this is where you download your games from) Sign in with Apple is a new option for Apple products so you can sign in with your Apple ID (on the settings screen- see under ‘uploading’ in this post- click on the key button (bottom right) to sign in with your Apple ID: To connect to the cloud you need to firstly be connected to Facebook, Apple, Game Center or Google Play Games (how to connect to Facebook and Game Center are covered in my Adding Neighbours post as both these can be used to add neighbours) Connecting to the cloud is how you save your game so if you ever have a problem with your device or want to change devices knowing how to connect to the cloud will stop you from losing your game, for example, if you wanted to change your device you would be able to get your game onto that new device within 7 days and you won’t have to start all over again- it is a good idea to do it everyday just as a back up in case! ( it does automatically do it if you connect to the party boat but it is always useful to know how to do it yourself)

Download play sim town